9:00 AM
MESA: The polarimeter at MESA
Rakshya Thapa
9:04 AM
MESA: HOM antenna of MESA
Paul Plattner
9:08 AM
B01: A precision determination of the weak mixing angle at low energies
Rahima Krini
9:12 AM
B02: Standard Model precision tests with hadrons and nuclei
Rolando Martinez Ramirez
9:16 AM
B03: Measurement of the time-like pion form factor above 1 GeV with the initial-state radiation technique
Yasemin Schelhaas
9:20 AM
B04: Precision determination of the hadronic vacuum polarization from lattice QCD
Sebastian Lahrtz
9:24 AM
B05: Dark sector searches at MESA
Kees Mommers
9:28 AM
H02: Electrons for neutrinos: nuclei
Luca Wilhelm
9:32 AM
H03: Muonic atom spectroscopy
Ahmed Ouf
9:36 AM
H04: Precision nucleon structure in muonic hydrogen versus electron scattering
Panagiotis Kalamidas
9:40 AM
H05: Electron and photon scattering
Liridon Deda
(U. Münster)
9:44 AM
N01: Neutron skin and surface thickness of 208Pb
Nikita Kozyrev
10:00 AM
Time for a closer look at the posters & discussion