1–3 Jul 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


Interactive Session 1a

2 Jul 2024, 13:00
Linke Aula

Linke Aula


Building Bridges from and Beyond the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Regulating AI-based Discrimination in the European Scenario
Marilisa D'Amico, Ernesto Damiani, Costanza Nardocci, Paolo Ceravolo, Samira Maghool, Marta Annamaria Tamborini, Paolo Gambatesa and Fatemeh Mohammadi

The panel aims to discuss the implications following the approval of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act also in light of the additional initiatives ongoing in the European and global scenario (e.g. Council of Europe, UNESCO, United Nations) from the perspective of their adequacy to ensure the fairness of algorithms and to tackle discriminations resulting from the massive resort to AI technologies. By bringing together constitutional law and computer science expertise, the discussion has a twofold aim. On the one hand, the panel aims to illustrate the criticisms that underlie the risks of AI systems from a constitutional and human rights perspective, supported by the analysis of computer science; on the other hand, it aims to explore innovative strategies to promote an inclusive use of AI technologies by designers and implementers in order to enhance their positive potential.

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Costanza Nardocci, Ernesto Damiani, Fatemeh Mohammadi, Marilisa D'Amico, Marta Annamaria Tamborini, Paolo Ceravolo, Paolo Gambatesa, Samira Maghool
02/07/2024, 13:00
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