1–3 Jul 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


Keynote Talk: Prof. Isabel Valera, University of Saarland

3 Jul 2024, 09:00
Alte Mensa (Mainz)

Alte Mensa



"Society-centered AI: An Integrative Perspective on Algorithmic Fairness"
Abstract: In this talk, I will share my never-ending learning journey on algorithmic fairness. I will give an overview of fairness in algorithmic decision making, reviewing the progress and wrong assumptions made along the way, which have led to new and fascinating research questions. Most of these questions remain open to this day, and become even more challenging in the era of generative AI. Thus, this talk will provide only few answers but many open challenges to motivate the need for a paradigm shift from owner-centered to society-centered AI. With society-centered AI, I aim to bring the values, goals, and needs of all relevant stakeholders into AI development as first-class citizens to ensure that these new technologies are at the service of society.

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