January 30, 2025 to February 1, 2025
📍FTSK Campus (Germersheim, Germany)
Europe/Berlin timezone
📍FTSK Campus (Germersheim, Germany)
An der Hochschule 2, 76726 Germersheim
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Important dates

Submission of abstracts (max. 350 words): by 31 July 2024 

Notification of acceptance: 7 September 2024

Registration deadline: 1 December 2024


Additional information

Registration fee: 90 € (not including conference dinner); 70 € for students and PhD candidates

Presentations are 20 min + 10 min discussion.

If you have questions or comments, you can contact the organizers at: sortingandtranslating@uni-mainz.de.

For further information on the Sorting and Translating project and the CRC Studies in Human Differentiation, please visit our website at https://humandifferenzierung.uni-mainz.de/en/forschung/projekt/sortieren-und-%C3%BCbersetzen.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.